今回は「Want to Get Ahead at Work? Risk the Awkward Moments | Henna Pryor | TED」です。とても長いので前後半に分けます。勉強のおともにどうぞ!
I was in my first job out of college. A shiny, prestigious Big Four public accounting firm.
“Give that work paper to Helen to work on.”
“Helen will finish it up and give it back to the client.”
It’s my third week in, and the partner kept calling me Helen. My name is Henna, by the way. But because I didn’t correct him the first time he said it, I felt like that ship had sailed. To say something now would feel a little risky and a lot awkward. I wish I could say that was an isolated incident in my career, but I’ve had plenty of those.
I once texted a snarky complaint about a client to my work friend, which instead went to the client. Recently went to hug someone at work who instead was going in for the fist bump, and he ended up punching me in the chest instead. That was fun. But my niece Aria is seven, and interestingly, she has never once said to me, “Henna khala, this is awkward, but I can’t open my Capri Sun.”
Kids don’t feel awkward because they haven’t yet learned they should feel that way.
I think a lot of us would love to take more risks and feel less awkward. So what gives? Can we be more like Aria?
Research from the Association of Psychological Science discovered that it’s early adolescence that our brains change, and we start to internalize social norms and become much more self-conscious. And as we grow up, there are inevitably times when we violate those norms, intentionally or not. And we start to notice and remember how that felt, which is usually a little icky. And because we don’t love to feel a little icky, we start to act in ways that avoid that feeling.
We become conditioned to look for who we are through the lens of those expected norms.
In other words, who do other people see? And more importantly, do they approve of who they see?
And as we continue into our professional lives, another interesting thing happens. Even though our experience and confidence go up, so does our deep desire to fit in with those social norms. And as a result, our tolerance for professional risk-taking or any risk-taking, absolutely goes down. It goes down for big risks: things like negotiating a new job salary or taking a new job in general.
But it also goes down for small, everyday risks: things like apologizing for a misdirected, snarky text or correcting someone when they’ve said your name wrong. Why is that?
Because thanks to those social norms behind the scenes, we start creating an ever-widening gap between how other people see us: confident, smart, articulate; and how we feel about what we think they see: nervous, hot mess
Without realizing it, we start hanging out on this side of the gap.
On this side of the gap, we care a lot about what other people think of us on preserving our existing gains.
“People think you’re smart now, Henna.
They may not think you’re so smart after this.”
That instead of improving, instead of leveling up, instead of playing to win, we play not to lose.
On this side of the gap, we’re stuck in an approval mindset. An approval mindset tap dances on our caveman brain and reminds us that belonging feels better than almost anything else.
It explains why many of us, at a deep level, are still people pleasers.
We chase external validation. We care a lot about how we look to our leaders, our colleagues, our direct reports, our TEDx audience. What are you looking at?
And this brings us back to feeling awkward. Feeling awkward is a nudge from our modern brain that says, “Careful, there’s risk ahead, and other people are watching you.” That feeling tries to protect us. It tells us to zip our lips instead of speaking up. It tells us to just take the offered salary instead of negotiating. Tells us, Helen isn’t such a terrible name for a Pakistani girl, is it? Sorry, mom and dad.
Sometimes, that nudge is a gentle poke.
“Stop fidgeting, Henna.”
Sometimes, that nudge feels like a giant shove.
“Who says you’re ready for a TEDx?”
And to be clear, many of us live in a system that rewards us with raises and promotions and likes when someone else approves.
An approval mindset isn’t all bad. In fact, we’ve picked up some pretty useful skills in an approval mindset. In an approval mindset, we learn to set the bar high for what we want. If we want to set our bar high for earning our bosses praise or making a client happy or innovating on a new project, we develop a desire to take action towards that bar.
I’m a recovering overachiever, and the minute someone else sets a target for me, I’m in motion. Not only will I hit it, I’ll exceed it. Challenge accepted. And we adapt and change our behavior on our way to that bar.
As an executive coach, I see my clients contort themselves into new ways of behaving in order to earn the respect of a new boss or to avoid making waves in a meeting. And for 14 years in staffing, I would watch candidates shape-shift in interviews in order to get the job.
Maybe you’ve done that too. And if you have, I’m with you because each and every time, you get a piping hot cup of approval at the end. But even so, you’re no puppet.
Even in an approval mindset, you’re in control. You’re setting the bar. You’re taking action. You’re adapting. But you’re doing it for someone else. You’re doing it for external reasons.
私は大学を卒業して初めての仕事に就いていました。 輝かしく、名声のあるビッグフォー公認会計事務所にね。
かつて私はお客様についての辛辣な苦情を同僚に文字で送ったのですが、そのお客様本人に届いてしまいました。最近、職場の誰かを抱きしめようとしたところ、その人は殴ってこようとしたのですが、彼は結局私の胸を殴りました。楽しかったです。でも姪のアリアは7歳ですが、面白いことに一度も私に「ヘナ カーラ、これは気まずいけど、カプリ サンを開けられない」と言ったことがありません。
「誰があなたが TEDx の準備ができていると言ったの?」